The Contract

Heather Dale Counselling and Therapy in Keighley, West Yorkshire

The Contract
22nd October 2024 
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The Contract
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My Contract with You

The Contract

Whilst this contract contains all essential information, it may be that over time I make small changes that are not always immediately shown on this site. An up to date contract is sent once we have made the time for our first meeting.

Contract between ................... and Heather Dale

Agreeing to work together means that we have contracted to meet at an arranged time, usually for fifty minutes, and in a safe setting, in order for you to examine any issues or problems you care to discuss. My role is to facilitate your process, and help you move towards change if appropriate.
When working on-line, please make sure that you cannot be overheard or interrupted. It is helpful if we both have phones handy so if the internet connection breaks, we can carry on via phone.

Anything you choose to say to me within sessions remains confidential with the following exceptions:

I may sometimes feel it would be beneficial to discuss your sessions with my supervisor, or with other professional colleagues. These discussions will also be in confidence, and the purpose is always to enable me to be more effective in our work together.
Danger to self or others
If you give me information that leads me to believe that you, or somebody else, is in danger of serious harm, then I may feel obliged to take further steps. I would normally discuss this with you first, if possible.
Internet or electronic communications
Nothing sent by e-mail or electronic equipment is completely safe, so please be aware of this if you contact me via, for example, e-mail, mobile phone or Skype
I rarely accept (or send) invitations to social media sites, so please be aware of this.

Cancellations / lateness
If you cancel a session with less than three working days’ notice, you will be charged the full fee. If you have not cancelled, I assume you are coming, and you will be charged for that session. If you are late, I will normally still need to finish on time, so please be aware of this.

Should I have to cancel a session I would let you know as soon as possible and offer you another time as quickly as possible. In the case of sudden or unexpected events a trusted person would be able to access your contact details to inform you. By signing this contract, you agree to this.

Code of ethics
I am a Senior Registered counsellor and psychotherapist, accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. I abide by their Ethical Framework. If you are not familiar with this, please look at their web site, at

Contact between sessions
This is normally restricted to short messages relating to practical issues such as timing of sessions. Longer contact is possible, by arrangement, and will be charged at the normal rate.

Normally, I take brief notes after each session. This allows me to reflect on the work we have done together. If, at any time, you would like to see these notes, please feel free to ask.

From time to time I may increase the fee. I will give you at least 4 weeks' notice before-hand.

Once we have agreed to work together, unless we have agreed a fixed number of sessions, my commitment to you is open-ended. When you are ready to stop, I ask for at least one sessions notice, so that we both have time to reflect on how best to end our time together.